What You Need to Know About EPA Subpart W  

Get our summary and analysis of the 647-page July 2023 update.


  What You Need to Know  

  About EPA Subpart W  

Get our summary and analysis of the 647-page July 2023 update.

The July 2023 update is a game-changer.

In this webinar, you'll discover:
  • The 6 key components of Subpart W that will change the way you manage emissions 
  • How to transition from EPA formulas to source-level measurement-informed emissions inventory
  • How real-time Visual Automation will play a role in both regulatory enforcement and compliance

Register For The Webinar Now:

LIVE Webinar: July 29, 2023 @ 1pm CT (11am PT)

EPA Subpart W

The July 2023 update is a game-changer.

In this webinar, you'll discover:
  • The 6 key components of Subpart W that will change the way you manage emissions 
  • How to transition from EPA formulas to source-level measurement-informed emissions inventory
  • How real-time Visual Automation will play a role in both regulatory enforcement and compliance

Register For The Webinar Now:

Instant Replay Available Now


Mark Smith

Co-founder, CleanConnect.ai


Mark Smith is the President and co-founder of CleanConnect.ai, the only government-approved autonomous LDAR solution that can perform source-level leak detection & quantification. 

Mark is also the host of Digital Roughnecks, a video podcast for energy executives.  Mark previously launched Windows NT Magazine, with 1.5M IT professionals subscribers in 160 countries.


Brian Kromer

President, Step2Compliance.com

bryan Kromer
bryan Kromer

At Step2Compliance we monitor 130 different regulatory agencies and over 1200 different existing and proposed rules. Our industry professionals come alongside oil and gas companies to help manage their air compliance requirements through proven experience and cloud-based software tools. Our core product, s2c Mobile, is an asset compliance management platform that speeds your ability to understand the complex EPA and State Emissions Rules and how they apply to your business. Air rules are complex – You have questions. We have answers.

The EPA Timeline Is Set... Are You Ready?

Register for the webinar to discover how to avoid the methane tax

Subpart W Webinar